
"TransferEntity" now an array for both table and file transfers

Previously, our data structure handled transferEntity differently for file and table transfers. It used an array for tables and an object for files. This distinction was made to accommodate the slightly different nature of table and file transfers. Users could configure multiple table entities within a single transfer, while only one file transfer entity was needed, with the option to specify multiple file/folder paths using the pathNames array within transferEntity.

However, we've listened to feedback and recognized that this inconsistency made it challenging to work with the response output effectively. This change ensures that the data structure is uniform, making it easier for developers to work with our transfer endpoints.

  • When transferEntity is set to files, it will now be an array limited to 1 item. You will specify multiple folder/file paths using the pathNames within this entity.
  • When transferEntity is set to table, the array can contain any number of items. This array is used to configure multiple tables to send in a single transfer.