
Deprecation Notice: errorCode

The STRING field errorCode on the GET Transfer Endpoint Response has been deprecated and will be removed 19th January 2024.


Deprecation Notice: Transfer accessURL

The STRING field accessUrl on the GET Transfer Endpoint Response has been deprecated and will be removed 19th January 2024.


Deprecation Notice: Transfer tableSetting

The field tableSettings on the Shares Endpoints (Create, Update) has been deprecated and will be removed 18th December 2023.


Deprecation Notice: sled-service-account-id

The headersled-service-account-id has been deprecated and will be removed 31st October 2023. Please supply the new header: sled-service-account-email


Introduced a new required field "product" in "destinationLocation"

Previously, our data structure for destinationLocation consisted of a single field named cloud. While this design served its purpose initially, it has become evident that having only one field does not adequately represent the diverse cloud environments and product offerings. This enhancement facilitates seamless integration with various cloud platforms and products as Bobsled continues to offer various destination options.


"TransferEntity" now an array for both table and file transfers

Previously, our data structure handled transferEntity differently for file and table transfers. It used an array for tables and an object for files. This distinction was made to accommodate the slightly different nature of table and file transfers. Users could configure multiple table entities within a single transfer, while only one file transfer entity was needed, with the option to specify multiple file/folder paths using the pathNames array within transferEntity.